Course is 'in progress'
Check the following:
- Did you complete all of the instructional lesson? You must interact (click, watch, play, engage) with at least 75% of the lesson in order for it to be considered 'complete.'
- Did you earn an 80% or better on the quiz? An 80% is required to 'pass' the course. In most classes you can take the quiz as many times as you need.
- Did you look at the resources or handouts? Clicking on the modules for these extra materials checks them as 'complete.'
- Did you complete the end of course survey? In most courses the survey is required in order to complete the course.
If the course is an instructor-led course (i.e., Certificate of Inclusive Practice in Military Settings), check that you have clicked "submit" on your assignment. If you do not click submit, your status will remain "in progress."
Still having difficulty?
Please submit a ticket at the link below: