The following courses are linked to the enrollment page (you will need to be signed-in to the KIT Academy Coast Guard site in order to link directly).
Resources are linked to the download or video
PDF at the bottom of the list
Behavior Conversations: Can One Strategy Impact Many?
Behavior Conversations: Is My Bias Getting in the Way?
Behavior Conversations: Why is the Why Important?
Biting: The Developmental Stage
Connect and Redirect: A Strategy to Support Behavior
Culturally Responsive Behavior Support Practices
Does Punishment Change Behavior?
Foundations of Behavior Support
Guidance for Unsafe Situations
Infant/Toddler Series: Behavior and Emotions in the Toddler Years
Planning for Sensory Differences
Preschool Series: The Naptime Transition
Reinforcement Realities: Identify & ApplyRelationship-Based Behavior Support
Supporting Inclusion in Summer Programs
Talking with Staff about Normative Sexual Behavior: Early Childhood & School-Age
Talking with Staff about Normative Sexual Behavior: PreTeens & Teens
Unpacking Behavior: Is it expected, challenging, concerning or unsafe?
Downloadable Resources
Behavior as Communication (Video Resource)
Caught Being Great (Resource Download)
De-escalating Unsafe Behaviors (Resource Download)
Reflect, Connect and Redirect (Resource Download)
Biting: The Developmental Stage
Culturally Responsive Behavior Support Practices
Does Punishment Change Behavior?
Infant/Toddler Series: Activities that Support Social-Emotional Development
Infant/Toddler Series: Behavior and Emotions in the Toddler Years
Infant/Toddler Series: Harnessing the Power of Reflection
Infant/Toddler Series: Language and Processing in the Toddler Years
Infant/Toddler Series: Laying the Foundation for Social-Emotional Development
Infant/Toddler Series: Rock-a-Bye Baby – Comforting Infants throughout the Day
Infant/Toddler Series: Safe Ways to Meet the Need to Climb
Moving Beyond "Use Your Words:” Supporting Expressive & Receptive Communication
Planning for Sensory Differences
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Toddlers to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Preschoolers to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Kinders – 2nd Graders to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting 3rd to 5th Graders to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Children and Youth to Succeed
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Refueling for Improved Self-Regulation in School Age Care
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded – Risk & Rewards for Middle Schoolers and Teens
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Teaching Self-Regulation in Early Childhood Classrooms
Structuring Transitions to Support Learning
Understanding Common Speech and Language Disorders
Unpacking Behavior: Is it expected, challenging, concerning or unsafe?
What's that you say? Speech Language and Communication Basics
Autism Supports - I Have the Will, Help Me with My Skill
Autism Supports - Let's Flex: Creating Space for Flexibility
Autism Supports - Say What I Feel: Linking Words to Body Signals
Understanding Common Speech and Language Disorders
Downloadable Resources
Celebrating Diversity with Teens (Resource Download)
Cultivate Respectful Disability Awareness (Resource Download)
Disability Accommodations (Resource Download)
Mental Health Basics (Resource Download)
Simple Signs (Resource Download)
Supporting Children Who Are Non-Verbal (Resource Download)
Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum & Social Communication Disorders (Resource Download)
Foundations of Inclusion eSeries Course 2: Respectful Accommodations
Foundations of Inclusion eSeries Course 4: Partnering with Families
Moving Beyond "Use Your Words:” Supporting Expressive & Receptive Communication
Ready, Set, Summer On Demand Series
Supporting Inclusion in Summer Programs
Training & Curriculum Specialists' Guide to Coaching
What's that you say? Speech Language and Communication Basics
Downloadable Resources
Calming Tools (Resource Download)
Case-by-Case Checklist (Resource Download)
Case-by-Case Checklist How-To (Video Resource)
Celebrating Diversity with Teens (Resource Download)
Disability Accommodations (Resource Download)
Effective Calming Spaces (Resource Download)
Gathering Information from Families (Resource Download)
Getting the Most from Your Visual Schedule (Resource Download)
Inclusion Checklist (Resource Download)
Lista Enumerada de Inclusion para Programas (Resource Download)
Managing Group Transitions (Resource Download)
Scripted Stories (Video Resource)
Sensory Supports (Resource Download)
Accommodations: Reasonable or Fundamentally Altering?
KIT Academy Instruction Course for 'Manager Permissions'
Leadership Series: Building a Support Network
Leadership Series: Leveraging Your Resources
Leadership Series: Strengthening Relationships with and Among Staff
Repairing Relationships After Harm Part 1
Repairing Relationships After Harm Part 2
Talking with Staff about Normative Sexual Behavior: Early Childhood & School-Age
Talking with Staff about Normative Sexual Behavior: PreTeens & Teens
Training & Curriculum Specialists' Guide to Coaching
Downloadable Resources
Building Strong Teams (Resource Download)
Case-by-Case Checklist How To (Video Resource)
Coaching for Implementation (Resource Download)
Contributing Factors Assessment (Resource Download)
Contributing Factors Assessment How To (Video Resource)
Cultivate Respectful Disability Awareness (Resource Download)
Exploring Expectations (Resource Download)
Inclusion Checklist (Resource Download)
KIT Academy Coast Guard Manager's Permission (Resource Download)
Lista Enumerada de Inclusion para Programas (Resource Download)
Sample Behavior Plan (Resource Download)
Infant/Toddler Series: Safe Ways to Meet the Need to Climb
Using Playful Engagement to Enhance Social-Emotional Skills
Downloadable Resources
Infant Sensory Activities (Video Resource)
Foundations of Inclusion eSeries Course 4: Partnering with Families
Relationship-Based Behavior Support
Downloadable Resources
5 Questions to Ask Families (Resource Download)
5 Questions to Ask Families In Action (Video Resource)
Conversations with Families (Resource Download)
Conversations with Families Video (Video Resource)
Gathering Information from Families (Resource Download)
Getting Buy-In from Families (Resource Download)
How to Communicate Effectively with Parents (Video Resource)
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Toddlers to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Preschoolers to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Kinders – 2nd Graders to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting 3rd to 5th Graders to Succeed
Realistic Expectations Series: Supporting Children and Youth to Succeed
Downloadable Resources
Calming Tools (Resource Download)
Contributing Factors Assessment (Resource Download)
Effective Calming Spaces (Resource Download)
Sensory Supports (Resource Download)
Spaces to Meet Sensory Needs (Resource Download)
Connect and Redirect: A Strategy to Support Behavior
Emotional Literacy for Infants and Toddlers
Emotional Literacy for Preschoolers
Emotional Literacy in School Age and Youth Programs
Infant/Toddler Series: Activities that Support Social-Emotional Development
Infant/Toddler Series: Behavior and Emotions in the Toddler Years
Infant/Toddler Series: Harnessing the Power of Reflection
Infant/Toddler Series: Language and Processing in the Toddler Years
Infant/Toddler Series: Laying the Foundation for Social-Emotional Development
Infant/Toddler Series: Rock-a-Bye Baby – Comforting Infants throughout the Day
Mental Health Series: Checking on Yourself and Tapping into Motivation
Mental Health Series: Proactive Connection Practices
Mental Health Series: Space for Wellbeing
Mental Health Series: Supporting Children and Youth to Meet Expectations
Mental Health Series: The Current State of Child Mental Health
Programming for Social-Emotional Well-Being
Reinforcement Realities: Identify & Apply
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Overview of Self-Regulation
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Refueling for Improved Self-Regulation in School Age Care
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded - Teaching Self-Regulation in Early Childhood Classrooms
Self-Regulation Series: Staying Grounded – Risk & Rewards for Middle Schoolers and Teens
Using Playful Engagement to Enhance Social-Emotional Skills
Downloadable Resources
Calming Tools (Resource Download)
Effective Calming Spaces (Resource Download)
How to Build Resilience in Children and Youth (Video Resource)
Preschool Conflict Resolution Guide and Tools (Resource Download)
Reflect, Connect, and Redirect (Resource Download)
Scripted Stories (Video Resource)
Setting the Stage for Friendships (Resource Download)
Spaces to Meet Sensory Needs (Resource Download)
Supporting Toddler Emotional Development (Resource Download)
Interaction Series: Connecting with Your Co-Workers
Mental Health Series: Checking on Yourself and Tapping into Motivation
Mental Health Series: Proactive Connection Practices
Mental Health Series: Space for Wellbeing
Ready, Set, Summer On Demand Series
Downloadable Resources
Burnout Series: 5 Phases of Burnout (Video Resource)
Burnout Series: Avoiding Burnout (Video Resource)
Burnout Series: Causes of Burnout (Video Resource)
Conversations with Families (Resource Download)
De-Escalating Unsafe Behaviors (Resource Download)
Easing Transitions (Resource Download)
KIT Academy Coast Guard Manager's Permission Guide (Resource Download)
Mental Health Basics (Resource Download)
Mental Health Series: Supporting Children and Youth to Meet Expectations
Preschool Series: The Naptime Transition
Structuring Transitions to Support Learning
Downloadable Resources
Attention Getters (Resource Download)
Easing Transitions (Resource Download)
Engaging All Learners (Resource Download)
Getting the Most from Your Visual Schedule (Resource Download)
Managing Group Transitions (Resource Download)
Multi-Sensory Stories (Video Resource)
The Five Stages of Naptime Transition (Resource Download)
Transition Activities for Every Age (Resource Download)